Czech Entropy PRNG 1024 bits application. Android APP
Czech Entropy Generator

Czech Entropy

Synchronous 1024 bits random generator
      The Czech Entropy PRNG Block 4 Android application allows you to synchronously generate the same set of 1024-bit random numbers on several smartphones without using synchronization channels (hidden). To do this, you need to enter the same text in English (for example, news from the same site). To generate an array of “random” numbers, several levels of irreversible transformations are used. An array of 50 numbers is immediately generated, one of which is shown on the screen. An array of random numbers can be exported to the standard clipboard for further use. Future versions of the application will add the ability to enter your own BigINT prime numbers, which will allow you to achieve the level of CSPRNG generation.
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      Czech entropy
Download CzechEntropy.APK 1024 bit >>
Download CzechEntropy.APK 1024 bit >>
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      The currently available version is Czech Entropy PRNG Block 4 1024 bit application. For an entered phrase longer than 100 bytes, the application generates 50 “random” numbers. The same array any number of times. This is minimal functionality. Work is constantly being carried out to improve the quality of the generated numbers.
      To transform the source text into a set of “random” numbers, two levels of transformation are now used - formulaless irreversible expansion and elimination. Efficient and fast number generation algorithms are used.
      Attention. The Czech Entropy Android app does not encrypt your data. The application only generates pseudo-random numbers. To develop effective and creative encryption systems, a contract with a firm that has the appropriate licenses is necessary.
      Android 10 Tested
      Czech entropy PRNG
      Czech entropy PRNG
      Czech entropy PRNG
      When using the same smartphones and versions of Android (build), the Czech Entropy application creates the same set of numbers that can be exported to the standard clipboard. There is no interaction between application instances or smartphones. Users can use news, advertisements, text from periodicals, etc. as source text.
Czech BigInteger Prime Number 1024 bit
      The next Android application is CzechBigIntPrimeNumber1024bit for finding large prime numbers. Enter a large number (copy/paste supported) longer than 5 digits in the top field and press the |FIND PRIME NUMBERS| button. The next field will show the closest prime number found. The probability that the number returned by this method is composite does not exceed 2-100
      This application has just been created and continues to be tested to find and fix errors.
      Subsequently, the application will add the ability to search for a pair of prime numbers 3 mod 4
      Czech BigInteger Prime Number 1024 bit
      Czech BigInteger Prime Number 1024 bit
Download CzechBigIntPrimeNumber1024bit.APK >>
      Attention. The Czech Entropy Android app does not encrypt your data. The application only searches prime numbers closest to given values using known algorithms. Designed for research, educational and testing purposes.. To develop effective and creative encryption systems, a contract with a firm that has the appropriate licenses is necessary.

      Czech XOR Calculator - Android application for calculating classical binary operations between given parameters. Use copy/paste to enter values or enter them using the keyboard. The application does not perform any other actions. Application for research, engineering, testing or educational tasks.
      Attention. The Czech XOR Calculator app does not use encrypt your data. To develop effective and creative encryption systems (for example, for phase obfuscation), a contract with a firm that has the appropriate licenses is necessary.

Ebook: Czech Entropy PRNG >>

      The Czech Entropy PRNG Block 4 (12.Feb.2024) version with a completely new algorithm for generating pseudo-random numbers of 1024 bits is available for download and installation. The application generates the same set of pseudo-random numbers if the same initial data (text) is entered and the same version of the program is used.
      This makes it easy to use the strong Vernam cipher to protect data.
      For encryption you need to use a separate application, for example, Czech XOR Calculator
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Czech Encryption >>  More PRNG >>
      We will invent something else
      For example. How to use noise channels to transmit information or "analog speech" in cryptography.
Czech Encryption >>

Vernam entropy

Vernam cipher project
Czech Entropy PRNG
Synchronous generation of cipher-notebooks  





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